
小微 生活如何克服生活中的?这4个方法或许能帮到你已关闭评论118字数 2150阅读模式
摘要4个方法助你克服人生的恐惧。Alpine投资公司CEO格雷厄姆·韦弗。the biggest thing that,你们大多数要面临的最重要的事情。as you graduate ...



the biggest thing that,你们大多数要面临的最重要的事情。as you graduate for most of you,不管是刚毕业还是以后的人生,and through your lives。归结下来你会发现,you really have is going to be fear,你人生最大的障碍就是恐惧,恐惧具有很强的操纵性,and it shows up in all thesekinds of different ways,它会以不同的方式表现出来。and it tries to disguise itself,它会伪装成很务实的样子。as being practical right now,我现在就很务实。it disguises itself as,它会将自己伪装成。I'm helping you it disguises itself as I'm saving you,它会伪装成"我这是在救你"。and most of all it disguises itself,大多数时候它会变成。as not me not now,"这不应该我来做""时机还不合适"。what I have given you today,我今天给你们的,is the antidote to fear,就是恐惧的解药。that's been my goal,这也是我的目标。the four things that we talked about are ways that you can tangibly,是你可以在一生中切实且有策略地throughout your lives。look fear in the eye and say to fear,并且对恐惧说。not today today I'm going to play big,今天不行,今天我就要玩把大的"。today I'm going to play,今天我就要过这种不平衡的生活。for this asymmetric life。now is the time to do hard things,现在是时候去做些困难的事情了。there's something that you,总会有一些你现在恐惧的。文章源自微观生活(93wg.com)微观生活-https://93wg.com/17982.html

fear right now,that's exactly where you should go,但是你应该做的事,you should be doing that thing,就是今天要去做的事情。文章源自微观生活(93wg.com)微观生活-https://93wg.com/17982.html

你现在有在拖延的事情吗?right now,那你现在就应该去做。文章源自微观生活(93wg.com)微观生活-https://93wg.com/17982.html

everything that you want is on the other side of worse first,所有你想做到的事情,都在刚开始会糟一点的另一面。文章源自微观生活(93wg.com)微观生活-https://93wg.com/17982.html

now is the time to do your thing。(2)是时候去做一些令你痛苦的事情。文章源自微观生活(93wg.com)微观生活-https://93wg.com/17982.html

there is suffering。人总要经历苦难,so pick something,那就吃一些值得的苦吧,worth suffering for。文章源自微观生活(93wg.com)微观生活-https://93wg.com/17982.html

and realize that you are,你会意识到,underestimating yourself,当你对一些原本不在你。文章源自微观生活(93wg.com)微观生活-https://93wg.com/17982.html

at your full power when you're平衡生活中的事情感到兴奋之时,excited about something,是你低估了自己的全力,that's not going into your equation。文章源自微观生活(93wg.com)微观生活-https://93wg.com/17982.html

do it for decades。(3)长期坚持,because you excited,因为你坚持下来之后,for a decade knows no bounds,就会知道没有任何障碍。文章源自微观生活(93wg.com)微观生活-https://93wg.com/17982.html

there is no obstacle that will能在你坚持几十年之后,not yield to you,还会存在。


no matter where you're starting,不管你从哪开始,and no matter what your,不管在毕业后你是什么角色?role you have after school,or where you are right now,或者你现在在哪,都没关系,you can start today,writing your story。

inside of you,你可以从今天开始记录你的故事,在内心深处。

you have you have magic,你有魔法,you have your own life。

you have something that's special for you,你有那些对你有特殊意义的事情,and there's really only one,你只需要回答一个问题,question you to answer,which is you going to giveyourself permission to lead that life to live that life and to let that out that's a guestion。it's 张弛ion这个问题,is over and over in your life。

from now on are you gonna giveyourself permission you need。


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