The Great Glen~ 美景一时观不透

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摘要The Great GlenThe Great GlenWas this photo taken in a peppermint forest? This rare and del...

The Great Glen

The Great Glen文章源自微观生活(微观生活-

Was this photo taken in a peppermint forest? This rare and delicate hoarfrost may look like a confectioner&39;s just the ice that forms when the Scottish Highlands&39;re in a storied section of Scotland—sort of a lowland of the Highlands—called the Great Glen. This deep valley runs 62 miles coast to coast—from a North Sea inlet on the east to Loch Linnhe on the west. The Great Glen&39;s surface usually between ranges of hills or mountains

  • Inlet 入口的意思,结合全文要理解为北海的入海口
  • Loch 这个单词但愿大家能够学会,其实就是湖的意思,然而loch是一个正宗的苏格兰语,之后大家也能够夸耀一下了,毕竟也是会说苏格兰语的人了~~
  • Slopes 缓坡
  • Quaint 这个单词无比的有诗意可以翻译成古色古香的,pleasingly or strikingly old-fashioned or unfamiliar
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